Joe Henderson Auction: February 8, 2020

This year’s Joe Henderson Auction has been scheduled and a theme has been chosen! On Saturday, February 8, break out the leg warmers, parachute pants, and neon headbands because this year, we are taking it back to the 1980s! Tickets are on sale now. Until...

Join the JHPTG!

The Joe Henderson Parent-Teacher Group is an organization comprised of Henderson staff and families committed to creating an enriched, inclusive, and fun learning community for our students. Being a part of the JHPTG is the best way to get involved and stay up to date...

Back to School Night – August 22 6:00-7:15p.m.

We invite all parents and guardians of our Hounds to our annual Back to School Night. Two identical sessions will be held. The first from 6-6:35 and the second from 6:40-7:15. Teachers are looking forward to sharing details about the new school year and answering any...

First Week Procedures

We can’t wait to welcome our Hounds and their families back to school! Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 20. Please review the following procedures for the first day/week of school to ensure a smooth transition back to school.*The playground gates will open...

Join other Hound families for a cup of coffee

After you say goodbye to your Hounds on the First Day of School, join other Hound families for a cup of coffee provided by the JH Parent Teacher Group. This is a great way to mix and mingle and get to know other families as we start a new year! We’ll see you in...